I'm not sure why but all of a sudden I had this song on my mind....
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things!
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things!
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes
Silver white winters that melt into spring
These are a few of my favorite things!
When the dog bites, when the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things
and then I don't feel so bad!
(Can anyone name that movie and what scene this song was sung in???)
Before being too impressed with my ability to remember all the lyrics to this song, I must confess that prior to writing this I googled it. Which brings me to this question, what in the world did we do before we had the ability to "google it"? I know we had encyclopedias and such but we certainly could not find the lyrics to any song that we wanted in the encylopedia much less be able to find it the second we wanted it. It's quite amazing if you ask me. I'm not sure how we lived without it. Actually, I think we probably did quite well without it but "googling it" sure is convenient when you need to find an answer to some obscure question that pops into your mind, such as the lyrics to the aforementioned song. Which brings me back to the original thought I had for this post.
I was thinking about a few of my favorite things (favorites at the current time, because it does change depending on the weather or my mood). So, I thought I'd share them. In list format because I am a list person. With lots of details, because I am a detail person. (I'm going to limit this to 10 things, otherwise we might not ever see the end of this post.)
1. my new KJV, personal size Life Application Bible that I just purchased this morning at Heavenly Dove. No excuses for not being able to read and understand the bible because this pretty much explains it for you. I'm excited about this because it's small enough to put in my Vera Bradley bible cover that I got for Christmas a few years ago, it was a really great price, and I'm really, really going to try to actually read it on a regular basis. And, it's pretty, and I have to admit I like pretty things.
2. Hershey's Giant size Chocolate Bar with Almonds - This is pretty specific for very good reason. The giant bar is much, much better than the regular size bar because it is split into 4 rows and each row can be split into 4 small bars. It is also much better because the almonds are chopped up into the bar and every bite has a piece of almond in it. The regular bar has large chunks of almonds primarily just in the middle of the bar. It is sub par, in my opinion, to the giant bar. (by the way, the above picture is only HALF the bar, I won't go into the fat grams, calorie, or sugar content of the whole bar. I'm sure it is astronomical! )
3. Kerusso T-shirts - Recently, I have seen these popping up in random stores -convenience stores, drug stores, Christian bookstores, etc. In case you don't know what I am talking about, Kerusso is a company that sells t-shirts and other stuff that has bible quotes and such on them. They typically look like conventional t-shirts but with a Christian twist. They are super cool! I only have one but plan on purchasing another one or two or....
4. Sweet potatoes with butter and salmon - I just love a good sweet potato (with butter, of course) and grilled salmon. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Plus, its actually really good for you as long as you go easy on the butter.
5. flip flops - They are just so easy - slip'em on and go. And, of course, they come in lots of pretty colors and styles. And, I do like pretty things.
6. my golf cart - It's a lifesaver when I am feeling lazy or have a load to carry. I can take the trash out with it, I can visit my neighbors (who happen to be family members), I can take all the kids to the pool on it along with all of our stuff, I can drive it around to look at rabbits and I can use it as a tool to help Cora go to sleep when she won't take a nap in the afternoon. Need I say more about why it is one of my favorite things?
7. peanut butter bars, peanut butter cupcakes, plain ol' peanut butter - yum, yum, yum. No explanation necessary.
8. yoga pants, sweat shorts, comfy elastic-band/drawstring loungwear - I love comfy stuff, it's just so, well, comfy. And less restricting, than say, shorts with a zipper and buttons. You can eat and sleep and do whatever without feeling restricted and, well, fat. I love comfy clothes. Doesn't everyone?
9. DVR - It is one of the top greatest inventions when it comes to television. I don't completely understand how it truly works but I love it! I love that I can "tape" a show without a tape. I love that I can "rewind" the "live" show when I didn't catch what they were saying and then "catch up" later. I love that you can "pause" it if you need to run to the bathroom or yell at your kids (not that I yell, of course, but when I speak very loudly in a stern like voice...).
10. Honeydew melon - This is a new favorite of mine. Just this week, in fact. Publix has had them on sale and I've bought a few and LOVED them! Cora and I ate at least half of the first one we had just when we were cutting it up. It's yummy and healthy! That's a win/win in my book.
That's it! Just a few of my favorite things. I have many more but I can't think of them all right now and I can always save the rest for another day. I like so much!
I need a little help from anyone out there who might be reading this. I need a way to sign off on each post. Something catchy, something creative, something fun, something interesting, just something, someway for me to end. It could be anything, kind of like a closing in a letter. I just can't quite figure out what I want to do. If you have an idea, post a comment or send me an email. I'd love the suggestions. I may even use one of them or all of them, I may even give a prize to the person who comes up with the one I like the most. Or, I may just say thanks and take the idea and run.
Hello Lolly, the song comes from "The Sound of Music" and it appears that some of your favorite things are also some of my favorite things. I am also a chocolate lover, you can't beat a good chocolate bar with almonds. (mm good, just can't beat it) I really enjoyed reading your entries, some of them brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing as special as family, children growing up, they are so special. Cherish all the fun times you will have, it goes by so fast. I will keep up with you, From one Child of God to another.
Laura, I'm so glad to see that Kerusso shirts made it in your top 10 list. My name is Shane Madden the Owner of www.thefashionofthechrist.com. We are an Authorized Retailer of Kerusso products anytime you feel the need to expand your Kerusso wardrobe let me know we offer free shipping any where in the U.S. If there is something you don't see on the website let me know I can probably get it for you. Please visit our website when you get a chance. Thank You and God Bless, Shane www.thefashionofthechrist.com