Saturday, July 3, 2010

Belly Buttons

There has been quite a lot of discussion around here lately about belly buttons. Ada Grace's belly button has been the center of attention because as the kids put it "It's so yucky!"

When we first brought her home, the kids watched everything we did with her. In the course of things, they noticed her belly button and the remaining cord thingy that was still attached. They wanted to know what it was, did it hurt, why was it there, did they have that as a baby, when it would fall off, etc. We explained it all to them and that was that.

Except that everytime we would change her, they would ask about her belly button. Ben would cringe at the sight of it. He couldn't stand it. And, I will admit I cringed a bit, too, especially at the pediatrician's office when she pulled and poked at it and put some kind of "stuff" to help dry it out. Cora would examine it to see the progress of the "falling off parts".

When it finally did fall off, we were gone out to eat for our 10th anniversary. Upon our arrival back at home, the first thing out of the kids' mouths was "Ada's belly button fell off!" It was quite an exciting event.

Even though most of her belly button had healed, there were still a few lingering pieces left. So, Cora still made sure to check it daily for progress. After a couple of days, Cora proclaimed that Ada's "tummy hole is pretty good now." Her tummy hole??

Now, Ada's "tummy hole" is all better. We can even give her real baths. Ben no longer has to turn the other way when she is being changed. All is well.

But, alas, the fascination with belly buttons has not ended. The other day Ben asked Craig, "Did Jesus have a yucky belly button when he was a baby, too?"

(I think I'll end with that question because what can top that?)
