Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Let's hear it for the boys...

Some random summer photos of the boys this summer doing what they do best...being boys.

Ben fell in love with this June bug, or japanese beetle, or whatever creepy crawly it is.

Typically, Ben is not one to play with bugs but on this day, this bug was exciting to him. He let it crawl all over him until I finally decided to put the bug out of its misery and made Ben let him be on his merry way.

Tate and Ben (and Daddy and Paw Paw) fishing at a pond at a friend's house. They caught quite a few brim and catfish. A couple of the catfish were really big - in fact, one of our poles was snapped in two. The kids all had a really good time. ( I think the big guys had a pretty good time, too!)

Of course, swimming is the top summer activity for all. Here are just a few shots out at the pool...

Tate swims the best with his goggles on....not quite sure why....

Ben likes to swim with his goggles on top of his head. I'm not sure what purpose that serves??

Though this post was dedicated to "the boys", I couldn't resist sharing this photo of Cora and me "sunnin' it"in a float that is way too small for two!

Gotta love summertime!

Until next time,


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dare Devil

Cora is my little dare devil. She is afraid of nothing...well, almost nothing (we will get to that later). This summer we have been able to witness her dare devildness on many occasions. From swinging on ropes, jumping off rocks into the swimming pool, slip -n- slides down large hills, trying to ride on the back of her brother's bike, she has shown she is pretty much fearless. I, on the other hand, am afraid we will end up in the E.R. some day soon, not with the boys, but with my lone little girl who is not afraid of danger, unless it is in the form of a beetle bug (more on that later).

Living proof of her no fear: here we are on the Chattahoochee River in North Georgia at a great little spot with a rope swing hung high in the trees over the river (I would like to take credit for finding it but cannot. Some great friends found it and shared their discovery with us.) We thought it looked like fun and it did not disappoint. We first thought, let's put Cora on with me. She cried. Then, after watching a few others try the swing, she thought it was much too fun to resist. Only she did not want anyone to swing with her. She went by herself...each time asking to go higher. Oh, the things you'd never let your first or even second child do, your third child is doing over and over again.

She also shows no fear when it comes to swimming. She jumps with no hesitation - with or without someone there to catch her. Frightening for me? Yes. Frightening for her? I really don't think so. She does have arm floaties on and most of the time has an inflatable "ring" around her middle, but still for a 2 year old, she shows some gutsiness in jumping in and floating and twirling ALL BY HERSELF, which incidentally is her favorite thing to say.

Slip-n-slide down a large hill also poses no problem for our little one. See for yourself. She enjoyed this immensely.

Now, onto something quite surprising that has begun to unfold recently. Our little girl, who doesn't usually have normal "girl" tendencies has started to show a bit of a fear of spiders and bugs. She likes to LOOK at them, FIND them, but does not want to touch nor have one on her. Here, we have proof of that. We found a June Bug or Japanese Beetle - we're not quite sure which, that Ben found quite amusing. Not so for our resident little girl. She enjoyed watching it, even laughed at it, pointed and was taken with it, even requested to hold it. But, as soon as it was placed upon her little arm, she was not happy. Not happy at all. So, we have discovered, she is a bit more girl than we thought. Now, if I could only get her to keep those hairbows in.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome to LollyWood

There is a background story to this name. I am a detail person so get ready for the details to pour out. When I was in college, way back when, my roommate's niece couldn't say my name so she gave me my first, and only, nickname, Lolly. Only a select few people even use this nickname anymore - my husband, my roommate from college and anyone in her family, my best friend Leah will use it occasionally, and maybe a few others. So....I was trying to come up with something a little catchy for this blog (which I am totally new at, can't you tell?) and my husband and I were throwing out a few ideas. First, we thought of stuff that went along with the fact that he is a preacher like The Preacher's wife, The preacher's kids (then I could tell all of the stories of them misbehaving and blame it on the well known fact that ALL preacher's kids are not well-behaved merely for the sole fact of being a preacher's kid and it has nothing at all to do with me and my parenting skills or lack thereof), anyway, I digress. Which will probably happen a lot.

But, hang in there, occasionally there might be something good in here. Anyway, all of those names seemed to point too much at his vocation (preaching) which is not a bad thing, but since this blog was going to be written by me (and I am certainly not a preacher, just the wife) and be about ALL of us, then we decided the name should reflect that. Everyone with me? Good.

We then came up with Lolly's World (and began singing the Elmo's world song but changed it to Lolly's World). We really liked that one but then LollyWood came to mind and it just had a ring to it. It reminded us of Holly Wood and DollyWood and it made us laugh, so there you have it, LollyWood was born. (Let me just add, it doesn't take much for us to laugh especially after 10:00 at night).

So, here I am, starting a blog at 11:00 at night which is kind of late for me, but for some reason, I am still up trying to start this blog. My friend, Jill, is to blame for this. She started a blog this week and now I have to keep up with her and do it too. Actually, I have been hooked on a few blogs and was thinking of starting one and when she started hers, it gave me the perfect excuse. I can write about nonsense (and maybe even some important stuff) while at the same time share some cute stories and even cuter pictures of family and friends. I think this should be fun!

Now, I must be off to bed. Big weekend ahead. Big, big weekend ahead. 3 days of church camp. Some of the best times of the year with our church are just around the corner. Pray that all goes well with church camp this weekend.

Until next time...
