I am suppose to be...
....cleaning the bathrooms.
....washing the clothes, folding them, putting them away.
...."straightening up".
....vacuuming the basement.
....in general, cleaning the house.
Instead, I am...
....looking up stuff on the internet, including, but not limited to, Nintendo DS lite, BMX bike shows, facebook, and of course, I'm blogging.
....taking everything off the walls in the boys room and pushing the furniture in the middle of their rooms to prepare for painting.
....watching Cora get out all the markers, stickers, and paper humanly possible and spreading it in the middle of our living room.
....admiring our new shower and contemplating what kind of shower curtain to buy and how to convince Craig that my need for new towels is indeed a need and not a want which truth be told might be a teensy weensy bit of a lie.
....baking brownies. One pan with nuts, one pan without nuts. I am the only one in the family besides my daddy that likes to have nuts in brownies so, I guess, technically, I will be forced to eat one whole pan of brownies myself. Unless, of course, I decide to share one brownie with my daddy.

Yep! That's right. Nothing fancy here, folks, just good 'ole brownie mix. But, since I am adding walnuts to my pan of brownies, I consider it homemade. Plus, I am in a home, making the brownies. I also believe that since my brownies contain walnuts, which are the wonder nuts of nuts because they contain all kinds of good for you fats (really, I am not joking here), they must be better for you than the regular kind. Walnuts cancel out all the other bad stuff, right?
Isn't it amazing what one can find to do when you are trying to not do what you are suppose to be doing?
And, without meaning to, I found some real truth in that statement. How many times have we (I'm talking about myself, here) found something else to do rather than do what God may tell us to do? I, for one, am guilty of that far too many times. I, for one, would like to strive to change that about myself. How about you? Anything you'd like to change? Anything you're suppose to be doing that you aren't? Think about, I will be.
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