Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rodeo, Rodeo, where art thou Rodeo?

Is there anything cuter than kids in cowboy hats and boots? Is there anything cuter than kids saying (as we pass by the horses and cows doin' their business if you know what I mean) horses kind of stink, don't they? My response - it's really not the horses, it's the poop.

We had lots of fun at the rodeo. The calf ropin', the barrel racin', the buckin' bronco ridin', the bull ridin', the dancin' rodeo guy were all part of the fun. And, we can't forget one of the most amazin' acts I have seen at the rodeo - the girl that rides two horses while barefoot, standin' on the horses' back. She rides full speed around the arena, through fire, over fire, all the while standin' barefoot on two horses' backs. Did I mention that she does this barefoot while standing on two horses' backs? It was truly amazing that someone could do this (as well as all that other stuff, too). What I can't get over is that at some point, you have to decide to do this for the first time. Can you imagine what it would be like to say tackle a calf down to the ground the first time? Or, ride a bucking bronco? Or, ride an enraged bull? Or, ride two horses barefoot while standing on their backs? I can't begin to imagine what practicing these activities would be like. I would suspect that there are lots of bruises and cuts and scrapes. Lots of sore arms, legs, heads, and bums. But, in the end, it sure makes good entertainment.

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