In the past two weeks since having Ada Grace, the other kids have said some of the funniest things. I thought I'd share a few of our recent conversations.
Ben (to me): "Does Ada have a brain?"
Me: "Yes, Ben. We all have brains, even Ada."
Tate (when I was changing one of Ada's diapers): "Whoa! She has got a really small butt crack."
Me: "Why, yes, Tate I suppose she does."
Ben: "Mommy, why didn't you die when they cut you open to get Ada out?"
Me: "Because the doctors know what they are doing and they have machines hooked to me to let them know if I am doing ok."
Later that night, I overheard him telling someone: "Mommy didn't die when they cut her open because she was hooked up to a machine that told her not to die. The machine either says die or don't die and you do what it says. "
Ben (to Craig): "We can't teach Ada all the bad words that we know."
Ben (to Craig): "Ada has blood. We all have blood."
Ben (to all of us, numerous times per day): "Everybody who loves Ada, raise your hand."
All of the kids ( to me and Craig, multiple times per day): "Can I kiss her? Can I hold her? Can I be first?"
The kids have been great to help me out with household chores, too. In fact, the boys have been helping me with the laundry (carrying the baskets, putting the clothes in the washer/dryer, folding, and putting away clothes) as well as other little chores around the house. I told them they could earn money if they helped me keep the house clean, did chores, etc. So, another thing I am hearing A LOT lately from them is "Can I get a dollar for that?" or "Can I get a dollar or two or three for that?".

What's funny is that they ask for a dollar for EVERYTHING that they do.
I will say, "Can you pick up your shoes and put them away?"
And they reply, "Do I get a dollar for that?"
And I say, "Ummm, NO! You don't get a dollar for the stuff that you are suppose to do anyway. You only get dollars for the EXTRA stuff that you are doing." gotta love'em!
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