Saturday, June 19, 2010

Eating, pooping, and sleeping

When you have a baby, the top 3 things that you talk about, worry about, and your life revolves around is the baby's eating, pooping, and sleeping habits.

Think about it. What is important in the life of a newborn?




We are fairly OCD about all of those things when it comes to our newborns. In fact, I think we become more obsessed with those things with each child. We have this "form" that we made to record when the baby eats, how much she eats, if she pees or poops, etc. We even took it to the hospital with us this time. The nurses even told one another about it. We would get a new nurse and she would say..."Oh, you are the ones with the form."

Yes, that would be us. The OCD parents. (I will add that the nurses actually liked it...they just had to look at it to find out the info that they needed to record on their form).

We have very good reason to use this form.

1. We can't always remember when we fed the baby, or if he/she has gone potty.
2. We had issues with Ben gaining weight and this form was INVALUABLE to us in determining if he were eating enough.
3. Great tool to take to the pediatrician b/c they can see what is going on at home and it usually answers all of their questions.

Again, it seems some of the most important questions revolves around eating and pooping.

Which brings me to the main reason for this post. When Cora was a baby she always "warned" us when she was about to have a stinky diaper. She made this little, high pitched sound - sometimes quietly, but mostly quite loud. It was HILARIOUS! I distinctly remember her giving this "warning" during a church service (not at Pine Crest) that we were attending. We were sitting behind one of the members of Pine Crest (Kristy) who happened to know about Cora's peculiar "warning" cry. She knew immediately what was happening!

Well, guess what? Ada Grace has started doing the SAME thing! Except she does it when she is completely finished. It is SO funny! I know, I know, TMI! But, that's what you get reading this blog. At least, I didn't include pictures...


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