Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Tidbits is defined as a choice bit of food, information, or gossip. Don't 'cha just love tidbits? Here are a few "tidbits" that I find interesting or funny or odd about the kids and their current behavior, likes/dislikes, etc. Some of them I just want recorded somewhere so that I remember them later.

1. Tate likes to wear shorts with a belt and a tucked in shirt to school, yet when going to church, he prefers to wear his shirts out loose with no belt. This strikes me as odd because you would think he would want to look neater at church than school and vice versa but, alas, that is not the case.

2. Cora thinks the funniest thing in the world is when she burps and poots. She finds this funnier than the boys ever did. I'm finding out that little girls are a whole different breed.

3. Ben is obsessed with the remote control. He carries it around with him if he has to leave the living room or he hides it under the pillows until he can return. We often can't find the remote because he has carried it off somewhere and left it.

4. Ben sleeps on the couch. He has his own room (which he has slept in before) but he prefers the couch. If we move him from the couch into his room, we find him back on the couch the next morning.

5. Tate is obsessed with baseball and kickball at this time. A few months ago, it was trick bike riding and scooters. He becomes obsessed with a certain activity or activities and has a one track mind.

6. Cora loves, loves, loves the water and would take a bath 3 times a day if I would let her.

7. Cora hates hairbows but loves to have her nails/toes painted.

8. Ben and Cora are night owls and Tate is early to bed/early to rise.

9. All three kids love to sing and sing a lot of Christian/gospel songs but will barely sing at church.

10. All three kids are cuddlers and we often have one or more on our laps or in the same chair as us.

So, there you go...just a few tidbits about the kiddos.


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