On Saturday, we attended the annual Pine Crest Easter Egg Hunt. It was an absolutely gorgeous, perfect day for it. (In fact, this Easter/Spring Break has been the warmest, prettiest we have had in a long time.)
After the first 30 minutes of Cora refusing to open her eyes or get down, the day went really well! (Still not sure why she chose to do this...but after I put her down - eyes still closed and running into the tables and crying profusely, PreacherMan had had enough. After a brief talk with her, she returned, ate a few bites, and went merrily on her way...)
The rest of the day was filled with hiding eggs, hunting eggs, eating candy, playing baseball, and general running around. Everyone was exhausted by the time we got home.

One of the only pics of the three kids together...as Tate says "We're wasting time and losing eggs! "...

Tate...in deep concentration ....trying to spot more eggs....

Cora showing off her BIG egg.... and sitting down to go through her basket of eggs to see what kind of "goodies" were inside...

Playing a bit of baseball....

We (meaning me and the kids) opted to skip church that night in order to prepare for our big Easter Sunday the next day (Read: I needed to preserve my sanity and energy for getting us up early and getting ready for SunRise service, sunday school, and regular church the next day). I am not Super Mom and know my limits. I was able to get them bathed, in the bed fairly early, and everything ready for the next day.
This was tremendously helpful the next morning when we were struggling out of the bed. Our alarm was set for 5:15. We finally made it out of bed around 5:30. By 5:40, I was in the shower. By 6 am, we were getting our kids up and dressed. And, between 6:20-6:25, we were herding the kids into the car to get to Sun Rise Service that starts at 6:45. I told Craig that next year, we might need to budget a few extra minutes in order to get #4 dressed and ready to go.
(I took NO pictures of us in our Easter outfits this year. Didn't even cross my mind. No idea why I didn't. I do have some of us that were taken for a church directory picture and we happened to have on our Easter outfits but none from the actual Easter Sunday. )
Sun Rise Service and Church was great! Easter dinner afterwards was delicious! Cora slept for hours after church so we waited to have our own little Easter egg hunt until that evening. Also, the Easter Bunny typically doesn't visit our house until after church. This year was no different. After Cora woke up, we found that the Easter Bunny had arrived with presents and candy! All of the kids promptly ate about half of their chocolate bunny and saved the rest for later. (This is the first year they received a chocolate bunny and they were a hit...messy, but a hit.)
Craig had the idea to clean out our change (coins) from the car by putting it into lots of Easter eggs and then hiding them for the kids. We hid around 90 eggs filled with coins in our front yard and let the kids loose! They loved it! Afterwards, each of the kids put their coins into their piggy banks for future use.
It was a really great day! Beautiful, beautiful weather! I don't know if I ever remember a warmer Easter. We really enjoyed the warm weather!
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