This year Tate wanted a "regular" birthday cake opposed to my favorite "cookie cake" from the Cookie Company. After all, it is his birthday, so I conceded and bought a "regular" birthday cake. He loved it!
On Saturday night, he and Craig and a couple of their buddies went to the Monster Jam at the Georgia Dome. Tate is really into Monster Jam and monster trucks right now. He can tell you just about anything that you want to know (and a lot that you probably don't want to know) about monster trucks, the drivers, the manuevers, the tricks, the names of the types of crashes (because they don't JUST crash, there are technical names for what they do). He can tell you what part of the truck is most likely damaged during a jump and pretty much commentate the whole thing for you IF you want him to and even if you don't want him to.
He is almost obsessed with them. He gets this from Craig and I. We get something on our mind or start liking something and it is all we can think about. We will research it, read about it, talk about it, dream about it, etc. until the next interest comes along, or until we buy it, whichever comes first. Tate is much the same way. Right now, his "thing" alternates between monster trucks, BMX biking, baseball, and the Wii.
That pretty much sums up Tate at age 6 ALMOST 7.
He is a good kid. We love him. We think we'll keep him.
Happy Birthday Week, Tate!
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