Recently, Tate lost his 3rd tooth. Literally, he LOST it. The night before it came out, his front tooth was extremely loose but he didn't want to pull it. And, he didn't want us to pull it either. Not that I was volunteering to do the job. Pulling teeth is MOST DEFINITELY not my job. It truly freaks me out. Truly.
So, the next day, he went to school, was eating lunch, and his tooth came out. But, we have no idea where it went. We think he might have possibly swallowed it. Craig searched the cafeteria floor on hands and knees (which I'm sure was not pretty - think cafeteria floors...yuck!) but could not find it. So, it is lost and will remain a mystery as to where it went.
Tate dutifully placed his tooth underneath his pillow for the tooth fairy and wrote her a little note explaining the missing tooth. Craig knew about the note...I did not. The next morning I got the boys up and ready for school and when Craig made his way to the kitchen, he asked me if the tooth fairy had visited Tate the night before. Ummm.... I think she may have forgotten. So, as any good tooth fairy would do, she slipped into Tate's room, sat beside him on the bed and sneakily slipped the money underneath his pillow. But, she FORGOT the note.
I then asked Tate if the tooth fairy had visited during the night to which he replied, "When I checked at 5:56, she hadn't left anything." So, I said, "Let's check again, just in case she slipped in here while you were getting dressed."
And, wouldn't you know it? That's exactly what she did! Except we were perplexed at her leaving the note. To which I quickly stated that she must have been tired from flying all night and couldn't carry the note because it was too heavy. Which brings me to the question...if she can't carry a teeny, tiny, lightweight piece of paper, how can she carry all the teeth that she picks
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