I really can't wait to see what her hair color ends up being. My guess is blondish with possible red hue and some curl or at least wave to it.
I know she's mine and I am just a wee bit prejudice...but is this the cutest baby or what?
She's such a sweet baby, too. She sleeps most nights completely in her bassinett beside my bed. All night. And, when she does wake, I can typically give her a paci and she settles back down. And, if that doesn't do the trick, I just hold her in bed with me. But, this all usually happens within an hour of our normal "getting up" time of 6:00 so it's not even like it is the middle of the night. She's a good baby. Even when we first brought her home, she only had to be fed once during the night. Once between 1 and 3, then up around 6 or 7. That's the best we've ever had at such a young age. All of this sounds so good, yet, I still feel like I could sleep for days and still not feel rested. I truly don't know how I functioned when we had Tate because he most definitely did not have these good sleeping habits.
Ada Grace is content most of the time. Except when she is in her car seat riding in the car. I would not describe most of her car riding times as "content". Unless she is asleep. Which most of the time in the car, she is not asleep. Mostly she is crying. Wailing, really. Sometimes, it is worse than others. Sometimes she cries so hard that she finally just gives up and falls asleep. Other times, she takes little breaks in the crying to whimper and catch her breath and sniffle. Heartbreaking little sniffles that melt your heart and make you never want to take her in the car seat again until she is at least 30.
Well, maybe not that long. But, you get the idea.
When she is crying, Cora will say, "Ada is not happy. Take her to MawMaw's house and leave her there." Or, Cora will start "wailing" with her because she thinks it's funny. She starts play crying VERY LOUDLY which really doesn't help. AT ALL.
When Ada is actually not crying in the car, Cora will say "Ada is happy. She's being very patient."
Can anyone guess how Cora knows the word "patient"? I say it to her multiple times a day...Cora is learning that patience is a virtue...one that she doesn't have most of the time. She mostly wants things NOW.
Which kind of reminds me of, well, ME. At least the whole wanting things NOW part. Mostly, I think I have patience. But, not always. Just ask my kids or Craig. They have all seen me lose my patience - time and time again.
With that, I think I will end my ramblings.
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