Saturday, October 23, 2010

120 the number of fingers and toes we have in this family. the number of toenails and fingernails we have in this family.

100 is the number of toenails and fingernails I am typically responsible for cutting on a regular basis.

Which can be a bit challenging at times. Which brings me to the following questions that seem to always pop into my head regarding fingernails/toenails. (Can you guess what I just finished doing?)

Why is it that you only notice that your kids' fingernails/toenails need cutting at the most inconvenient just before you are leaving for church? Or, when you get to church? Or, when you are just about to have family pictures taken? Or, right at bedtime when all you want to do is just go to bed? Or, when your son decides to wear flip flops and that is when you notice that - Oh, my Goodness, can toenails really get that long? And, then you notice that your kids' feet are getting bigger and bigger and are becoming more like big people toenails and well, it's kinda gross to cut them...

Anyway, we are having a toenail/fingernail cutting session at the Richard household. Anybody wanna join us?

And, the sweetest fingers and toes of them all...


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