Since I haven't really posted lately (like over 2 months), I thought I'd revisit and share my progress or lack thereof on the resolutions for 2012.
So, here are the resolutions and any progress I may or may not have made thus far.
1.Take up running. Run a 5K. I am actually doing this one. Yay, me!! I didn't start when I intended to back in January. Kids were sick. I was sick. Hubby was sick. Excuse after excuse, right? However, I did start. I am on week 6 of the Couch 2 5K program outlined on Cool Running. So far, I have stuck to the plan each week. I even added a few minutes to last week's plan. I actually ran 23 minutes without stopping. 23 minutes. without.stopping. Not a huge deal to most, but to this lazy bone - it is huge!! I haven't signed up for a 5k yet, though. I am really slow and want to take my time so as not to get discouraged. I am also not completely confident enough to think I can actually run that far so for now, I'm going to keep on keeping on and plan to run a 5k sometime this year.
2. Save more. Spend less. We've really been working on this. Beginning in January, I started taking care of all of the bills. We are trying to transition to paperless and automatic payments either through our credit card or bank. So far, it is working well. This way keeps both Craig and I in check. Since I am paying bills, I want to make sure I don't spend too much. And, since I am paying bills, Craig doesn't spend too much b/c he knows it goes through me first. Win-win. It's only taken us 12 years to figure this out.
3. Drink less coke. Drink more water. I've tried. Really. I've tried. I stopped buying cokes for a few weeks. I drank more tea instead. I drank some water. I broke down and bought cokes. I do think I drink less of them but I still drink them. I have been drinking more water especially since finding Crystal Light Pure to pour into the water to flavor it. I know drinking cokes are really bad for you but I am a happier person when I have them in my house.
4. Be more patient. Still working on this one. Good days and bad days with patience.
5. Become healthier in all ways. Still working on this as well.
What can I say, I'm a work in progress. Just like the children's song says:
"He's still working on me
To make me what I need to be
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient He must be
Cause He's still workin' on me.
There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
Don't judge him yet, there's an unfinished part
But I'll be better just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hands
In the mirror of His word
Reflections that I see
Makes me wonder why He never gave up on me
But He loves me as I am and helps me when I pray
Remember He's the potter, I'm the clay. "
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