Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Recently, Ada has discovered the movie "Finding Nemo". She loves it! As in we watch it numerous times per day. (I know, I know. TV is bad for kids. Blah.Blah.Blah. Sometimes you do what you gotta do.) If you are as familiar with it as we now are, you might recall a scene where Nemo is starting school and is meeting new friends. They notice his "lucky fin" and each of his new friends share something about themselves. One has a tentacle shorter than the other, one is H2O intolerent, and one says he is obnoxiuos.
The other day, the kids were watching it in the car. This scene had just been on, and Tate asks what "obnoxious" means. I tell him that it means annoying. He replies, "oh, kind of like the way Ben and Cora act sometimes".
To which I replied, "Well, I'm sure they think the same about you sometimes as well".

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