Back in the beginning of February, I bit the bullet and joined an exercise class. I've been wanting to for awhile now but kept making excuses. So, one day before I could stop myself, I joined online.
I did this online because I knew that once I signed up and paid for something, by golly, I would do it. So, I did it. And, I hit the send button real quick so that I couldn't back out.
I am now a Jazzerciser. Not a very good one, but none the less, I jazzercise.
I had never been to a jazzercise class before so I didn't really know much about it. However, a friend of mine from high school recommended it and since she looks AWESOME, I thought - why not?
It's basically a mix of dance, exercise, toning, etc. Since I have been to other exercise classes, I assumed that I could do it. I had forgotten how long it had been since I attended an exercise class and well, I just don't have the same bounce in my step that I once did.
Since I am, shall I say - less than coordinated or graceful , I basically feel like a big buffoon out there shaking the junk in my trunk, but it's fun anyway. I have come to the conclusion that if everyone at the class is even remotely like me, they are concentrating just as hard on the instructor and what she is doing and what they are suppose to be doing, so truly they can not possibly notice what I am doing which is probably completely not what I'm suppose to be doing. Follow me?
My strategy is pretty simple. Stay in the middle to back row, watch the instructor while at the same time pick someone in front of you to watch, and when in doubt, just keep moving.
In fact, like Dory in the movie Nemo, who would chant "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" when she had no idea which way to go, my new mantra shall be "Just keep moving, just keep moving" because really, isn't that the whole idea behind exercise anyway?
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