Sunday, January 2, 2011

Visit with Santa 2010

Seriously, I know that I am behind, but I have to recap our Christmas. It was, after all, Ada Grace's first Christmas. So, the next few posts will be dedicated to Christmas 2010.

We shall start with our visit with Santa Claus. The school that Craig works at has an Evening with Santa every year and so that is where we choose to go see Santa. We have an "in" with the picture taking people (love DragonFly photography) so we know exactly what time Santa gets there so we are usually first or at least the first 5 in line each year to see Santa and have our pictures taken. It sure beats the mall. Plus, the Santa looks the best of all the Santas around (in my opinion.)

Since 2006, when I was pregnant with Cora, I have had to be a part of Santa pictures because of one or more of the kids being scared to death of Santa. So in order to capture the moment, I had to be in the picture. A few years ago, I smartened up. I started dressing a bit nicer so that the pictures served a dual purpose: family picture at Christmas and visit with Santa picture. Then, I got even smarter. I started having Craig dress nice as well and voila - family photo time!

This year, Cora is still not too keen on sitting on Santa's lap. So, this is the best we got!

Ben has no problem telling Santa what he wants...he even made him a list. He told Santa (much to our dismay) that he wanted an iphone. Yep, an iphone at 6 years of age. Much more to our dismay, Santa replied "I think that can be arranged". Thanks, Santa!

Ada Grace was most interested in Santa. She didn't squirm or cry. She just sat there perfectly with Santa and peered into his eyes.

What a precious doll!!


1 comment:

  1. Ada Grace is a precious doll! Love the family Santa picture, all of the kids are adorable!
