Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ben's 6th Birthday Bash

Disclaimer on the following photos.... I literally laughed out loud while trying to pick these because clearly we are unable to get a photo of all 6 of us where everyone is looking the same way, smiling, eyes open, etc., etc., etc. Now, onto the topic at hand. Ben's birthday party was lego themed. We had a lego cake baked by a dear friend of ours (who did a SUPERB job on it), we decorated in vibrant lego colors of red, yellow, blue, we had the birthday boy's favorite food of hotdogs and cheetos, placed a few lego creations on the tables, and voila - lego birthday party.

All 6 of us....

Just us and the birthday boy...

This is what Ben received from us...toy box and organizers for his legos...

(this was as much a gift for my sanity as anything. Ben needs some major HELP in the organization of his room/toys/belongings department. It's never too early to start, people. Trust me, I have seen a middle schooler's locker before. It's not pretty.)

Here's the birthday boy blowing out his candles! How cool is this cake?

Anybody wanna take a guess on what the little circles on top are made of? Anybody? Anybody?

Ben opening up just one of his many,many presents. He really made us proud this he opened each present, he would take all the wrapping paper, throw it away, then he would look at the present itself more closely and allow the rest of us to look at it as well. It has taken years of practice to teach this skill...ahhh, be still the heart of overly anal neat freaks like Craig and I.

Ben got all kinds of cool building stuff, transformers, art supplies, and a remote control helicopter. Very lucrative birthday indeed. He has played with his stuff every single day since his birthday. Literally.Every.Day. I hear the hum of the helicopter, the clinks and crashes of the lego blocks falling on the floor, and my fridge is almost completely covered with his artwork. And, did I forget to mention the two Wal-mart gift cards that are still waiting to be spent??? I know he hasn't forgotten because I get asked frequently about when we are going to Wal-mart to spend his "credit cards" as he likes to call them.

(Check out the little green necklace around Ben's neck. It was the cutest party favor EVER! I found these little lego necklaces on ETSY and ordered one for each of the kids at the party. Am I the coolest or what??? Ok, so maybe I'm not that cool but I thought they were kinda cute and fun!)


1 comment:

  1. When Ethan was born, we sat on the couch and watched "Cake Boss" for about 2 weeks are the tops made of Little Debbie's or something????
