Monday, March 8, 2010

Bring on the sunshine (and other scattered thoughts)

It's hard to believe that a week ago we were anticipating snow (and it did indeed snow!) and that today it was 72 degrees outside! Believe me, I am not complaining. I love, love, love the weather we had today. If I had my choice, the weather would always be like today - not too cool, not too hot - it was just right.

I think the sunny weather changes everyone's mood. Cora and I headed out to Target and BJ's today and had a great trip. We even went out to eat by ourselves (which I rarely do with just the two of us). It was lots of fun! We went to Golden Corral (which I also rarely do) and Cora did a great job eating. She ate broccoli, and onions, and green peppers, and mushrooms, and lots of bread. I took some photos on my iphone of our adventures eating.

Here she is dipping her onion in ketchup. Everything tastes better with ketchup!

And, now, a yummy green pepper....

We had a great time at Target just looking around at lots of different things. Cora had a gift card to use so she picked out a few pieces of clothing, some DVDs and a coloring book. I also found the Dove Truffle Eggs that are only available during the Easter season. Yum. It seriously doesn't take much to make me happy. And, Dove Truffle eggs make me very happy. They come in packs of five and I have eaten two already. And, the baby approves because after eating the second one, she really kicked it up a gear and was really active. I think she likes them, too. I should probably eat one (or two) every day during the Easter season, don't you think so?


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