Friday, February 26, 2010

Seriously... has been more than a month since I wrote on my blog?

......I need to do better about keeping this thing up to date. After all, my 4 loyal readers deserve much better than this.

......I can only partially blame my absence on the lack of decent internet service that I have been receiving.

......I must confess that I have just become somewhat lazy. But, the way I look at it, soon and very soon, I won't have the luxury of laziness, so why not enjoy it while I can.

......I have been thinking of different things to share on my blog, when I actually have enough connection to the internet to complete an entry and download photos. Occasionally, random oddities will pop into my head and I think "that would be one of those random things you could share on your blog".

......I should probably go to bed now, so that I can be fully prepared to get up at least 3 times to go to the bathroom.


Just one more.... (well, maybe two) the short time that it took me to write this entry, I lost connection to the internet, regained it hopefully long enough to post, and now remember why I don't get on here more often.

Seriously......I have very little patience these days.

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