Friday, October 16, 2009

Ben's Top Ten

Here are a few of Ben's "favorites" as observed by me.

1. Yellow (he used to say "lello") - Ben's favorite color, though, he isn't as attached as he once was. At one time, everything always had to be yellow. His crocs were yellow, his bike was (and still is) yellow, he had the yellow "spot" in line at school, you get the idea, right?

2. Babylegs - remember the leg warmers from a previous post? Every night, he has to have them. He puts one on his leg and one of his arm. I'm not sure why he likes them that way, but they make him happy.

3. the remote - maybe it's a boy thing. All I know is that the remote is a powerful bargaining tool in our house. There is usually a fight over it at least once per day. Ben MUST have it in the mornings before school or there is a complete breakdown.

4. the couch - Ben's coveted spot in the house. He loves the couch. He will fight for the couch. He often sleeps on the couch and when we move him to his bed, we wake up in the morning to find him back on the couch.

5. blue blanket - A soft, cuddly, fleece blanket that accompanies Ben on the couch with the remote.

6. tomatoes- Ben's favorite food. He eats tomatoes like candy. I put them in his lunch almost every day. He likes the little cherry or grape tomatoes the best but will usually eat the larger ones as well. In fact, he once ate a large one the same way you'd eat an apple.

7. bologna - Ben's favorite lunchmeat. He wants this everyday for lunch - not necessarily in a sandwich. He actually would rather NOT have a sandwich which he is sure to tell me when I make him one. When he comes home, he usually wants a piece or two of bologna before supper. How much bologna can one kid eat?

8. pudding - Ben's favorite dessert/snack. This is also something he wants everyday for school and if it's not in there, I hear about it when he gets home.

9. Thousand Island Dressing - He will dip ANYTHING in 1,000 Island dressing - tomatoes, carrots, chicken, broccoli, etc. You name it, he has probably dipped it in 1,000 Island Dressing.

10. Nintendo DS - he really likes his newest toy. He would play it daily if he were allowed which he isn't because it has been taken away - temporarily. He is very quick at learning to play new games and has always had a keen interest in anything to do with technology and game playing (computer, leapster, DS, etc.).


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