Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome to FunnyFarm Fridays

Ever feel like you are living on a funny farm? Ever feel like you belong in the funny farm? Ever wonder what exactly is a funny farm and who came up with that expression?

(After reading those last few lines, I think I can definitely say I belong in the funny farm.)

I have been contemplating writing a weekly themed post. I am giving it a try today. Fridays are going to be called FunnyFarm Fridays. (I kinda like the alliteration at least for now.) The idea is that every Friday, I will post FunnyFarm happenings. In case this makes absolutely no sense to you, when I refer to the FunnyFarm, I am basically talking about my life with my family. Sometimes it feels like living in a Funny Farm (whatever that is like). On Fridays, I am going to try to post about random funny things that have happened, been said, etc. Get the idea? And, if you feel so inclined, anyone who wants to comment on what's happening on YOUR funny farm, can do so. In fact, I'd love to hear the funny stuff happening in your neck of the woods.

Now, I will warn you. I often have ideas that come with good intentions but then I lack the follow through. So, it may be that at first this idea sounds good to me, but then I may abandon it. Just wanted to warn you of what might, and very well, could, happen.

Now, onto the funny stuff. Or at least I think it is kinda funny. But, you probably had to be there, if you know what I mean.

Our family, prompted by Tate, has begun a new tradition. We have started a sort of game of spotting "bugs" (cars, not insects) while driving to and fro. Basically, when you see a Volkswagon beetle "bug", you yell "BUG!" At first, you don't realize how many of these BUGS are on the road, but there are quite a few. We also have spotted quite a few "Old timey BUGS" on the road or the side of road or in junk yards, etc. This game has become so popular that Tate has certain routes he wants to take because he feels the chances of spotting more bugs is greater depending on where you drive. We have become quite competitive on who spots the BUG first and who spots the most BUGS. The best part of this game is when we spot a Convertible Bug. Even better is when we spot a convertible bug with the top up. Why? Because then we get to hear one of the funniest things in the world - Tate will say "That Bug's got its shed on." It's SHED? I am not sure where he came up with this but I think it's ingenius! He calls the convertible top a SHED! Which in a weird sort of way, it is kind of like a shed. What do you think of when you think of a shed? A building of some sort that is used for storage or some type of structure that has a top to shield things from the weather like rain, etc. So, somewhere in Tate's mind, when he sees a convertible, he thinks of it like a portable shed. Which I think is funny. In fact, I always hope to see a convertible when we are out just so I can hear him say something like "That one's shed is up or that one has its' shed down!"

Back to the game of spotting Bugs. It has become so popular that we are now, apparantly, spotting other cars as well. "Our" (meaning the kids) favorites, besides the infamous BUG, include the mini cooper (no idea how to spell that) and jeeps and motorcycles. So, now, as we are driving along, we are screaming BUG, JEEP, MINI COOPER, MOTORCYLE. Can you imagine what it must be like when we are in the car? Can you imagine what it will be like if we add to our list of favorites? Can you imagine what it is like when it is just Craig and I in the car and what I must be thinking when he is still screaming out these names when we see them? Can you just imagine why I feel like I am living on the Funny Farm?

Truly, I wouldn't have it any other way. (oh, and one more thing, and PLEASE read this very carefully. If you know us personally, which if you are actually reading this, you probably do, don't mention the shed thing around Tate - he will be SOOOOO mad at me for sharing this. He really, really hates it when we tell the funny stuff he says which is really hard not to do because sometimes it's just too funny not to share. It'll just be our little secret!)


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