Saturday, August 29, 2009

The chicken and the egg

Tonight (Saturday) we brought home a very interesting specimen from Grandma Margie's house. I have most certainly never seen anything like it before. I most certainly will probably never see anything like it again.

These are the directions.

This is what it looks like after around 12 hours.

This is what it looks like after another 12 hours.

And another 12 or so hours.

And by day 4, we have a fully hatched chicken. Though I did have to help him along a bit. I finally fished him out of the cup and took the bottom part of his legs out of the shell. I figured we all need a little helping hand from time to time and frankly, it's time to get this show on the road.

Now, according to the directions, which haven't been very accurate, I can now put him in a new container to watch him to continue to grow. What I am not sure about is just how long will I have to keep him and do I continue to let him sit in water? The directions leave out that part.

I wonder what this chick is actually made of. The directions boldly state DO NOT EAT so I know whatever it is its not good. I also have developed an extreme diversion to touching him or having my children touch him. I just don't know exactly what it is or what it is made of so it gives me the heebie jeebies a little bit. Kind of like hotdogs. And bologna. If I think too much about those two foods and what may or may not be in them, I feel that same kind of aversion.
This chick's days are now numbered. I mean, I can only keep a chick in a cup of water on my kitchen counter for a limited amount of time. The question is - how do I explain his disappearance?

Ladybug, ladybug

Every winter, our house is covered in ladybugs. We have them primarily in the left side of the house (or the side that stays the warmest). Apparantly, ladybugs like the warmth. They can be found along our windowsills, doorways, and in the lights in the drop ceiling in our basement. We have to vacuum them up because they are so out of control. But, I hear they are very useful bugs. I also hear that they are a sign of love. If so, we have a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE in our home.
I recently found, with the help of my friend Shannon, a ladybug costume for Cora for this Halloween. (you may be wondering, what about the Tinkerbell one? It's a bit too big for this year, but this one is just right. I just hope it still fits at Halloween. If not, I always can resort to Tinkerbell). Anyway, I really just wanted to share the cute picture of Cora in her ladybug costume but then I found these interesting ladybug facts and thought I'd share.
Did you know..... (my comments to these facts are in bold, just in case you couldn't figure it out...)

*There are nearly 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs worldwide and 400 which live in North America.
*A female ladybug will lay more than 1000 eggs in her lifetime. (no wonder we have so many)
*A ladybug beats its wings 85 times a second when it flies. (whew, that would be tiring!)
*Aphids are a ladybug's favorite food. (I believe aphids eat roses???)
*Ladybugs chew from side to side and not up and down like people do.
*A gallon jar will hold from 72,000 to 80,000 ladybugs.
*Ladybugs make a chemical that smells and tastes terrible so that birds and other predators won't eat them.
*If you squeeze a ladybug it will bite you, but the bite won't hurt. (good thing because we are always pickin' up ladybugs)
*The spots on a ladybug fade as the ladybug gets older. (old ladybugs just like old ladies just can't catch a break, can we?)
*During hibernation, ladybugs feed on their stored fat. (I wish I could figure out a way to feed on my stored fat...)
*Ladybugs won't fly if the temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. (can't blame 'em, I don't really like cold weather, either.)
*The ladybug is the official state insect of Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Tennessee.
*The male ladybug is usually smaller than the female. (you mean there are boybugs?, who knew??)

(these fun facts were found at this website
Now, you can't say you never learned anything from this blog (and by the way - here is another thing you just learned - the previous sentence is totally incorrect - it contains a double negative but I just couldn't word it any other way and it still sound the way I wanted it to. I say this so that you know that I know that I am incorrect.)

One man's (or woman's) junk is another man's (or woman's) treasure

Today, while the kids were playing with my mother-in-law and brother-in-law, PreacherMan and I went to the church yard sale to pilfer, I mean, browse through our friends' junk, I mean, our friends' gently used merchandise. We had a great time! We found some great junk, I mean treasures.

All kidding aside, we really did find some great stuff. Cora probably racked up the most with the barbie dolls, care bears, dollhouse thingy, and the scooter (which was by far the biggest hit of the day). The boys didn't do so bad themselves with a couple of semi trucks and a load of really great books. Craig came out with a knife and a picture frame. I found some tupperware and baking racks. I almost left with a pair of Georgia (GO DAWGS!!) crocs but I hesitated too long and they were snatched up before I had a chance to get back to them. Indecision will get you every time, I tell ya!

We also enjoyed delicious peanut butter bars and lemonade. Can it get any better than that? Gotta love good deals and good desserts, right?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out to the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don't care if I ever get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.

(Let me just say one thing before I get started on the real topic of this post - I am on a roll here...3 entries in one day, all beginning with song lyrics. Maybe this will be a new trend?)

On Monday evening, we went to a Gwinnett Braves game. It is located in, you guessed it, Gwinnett. We sat on a quilt on the grassy lawn beyond the outfield. Very cool, very cool indeed. Except it wasn't very cool temperature wise. It was actually very warm and sunny. I would suggest taking a hat if you are going to sit out there because until about 7pm or so, the sun is directly in your face, as you can see by the picture below where I am squinting despite my sunglasses, causing the creases between my eyes on my forehead to deepen even further. Oh, my! Getting older certainly has its disadvantages.

But, I digress. The field is great for the kids because they can spread out, run around, try to catch a homerun ball, whine and cry without bothering people too much because they are not within close proximity to others (well, not as close as sitting in the stands would be). Also, behind where we sit on the upper edge of the grassy lawn are several moonwalks for the kids to enjoy. Look closely behind PreacherMan and you can see them.

We used them as a bribe. IF you are good for the game, THEN we will let you play on them. The problem is that the kids see these things and want to play on them the entire game but the purpose of going to the game was to, well, see the game, right? Apparently not, if there are moonwalks beyond the outfield. We held them off until after the 7th inning stretch song and then we headed to the moonwalks. And, of course, they do not come free. Another reason to wait until you are almost ready to head home.

Tate was the most excited about Monday's adventure. He was ready to catch a homerun ball if it came our way. But, alas, one did not come our way. He was pretty disappointed but maybe next time we will have better luck.

Ben was not that enthused with the ball game. He spent much of his time doing the above - wallowing on the quilt or grass, urgently requesting (otherwise known as whining) to play on the moonwalk, begging for another icecream. He did enjoy the icecream cookie sandwich part as well as the end part where we sang and played on the moonwalk. I think he would have been alright without the rest (the game).

For the most part, Cora enjoyed the game. She mostly enjoyed our seats. She danced, she pranced, she rolled, she pee-peed in the grass. That's right, folks! Once again, you gotta love potty training. It wasn't too noticeable and nothing a quick pull up and dress change couldn't cure. After which, she decided she must have an icecream of her own. And, who am I to deny my little girl an icecream sandwich cookie?
Watching the Gwinnett Braves is on our "Go Back" list. Great venue, great price, great family fun.

Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer

Dora Dora Dora the Explorer
Boots and super-cool explorer Dora
Grab Your Backpack!
Let's go!
Jump in
You can lead the way!

Can you guess where we went on Saturday morning? That's right! We went to see Dora the Explorer, Live! at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. When the boys were little, we took them to see a Dora show and they really enjoyed it so when we heard it was back in town, we thought we'd check it out. I waited until the last minute though (I looked it up online on Thursday and the show was the same weekend, I almost missed it!). Luckily, we were able to get tickets and better than that, I found a great promotional code to buy one get one free. Always excited about a good deal, I snatched us up 6 tickets! It would have been a great deal except all of those service there any way to get around those?

Due to this exciting deal, we had an extra ticket so we took my future daughter-in-law, I mean, we took a friend of ours. We had a great time.

Here's Cora before we left in her piggies. They were pulled out before we left the house. I swear I can't get the girl to keep anything in her hair. I think I will start buying hats and see if she'll at least wear those. (also, you'll notice a change in outfit in the other pics - gotta love potty training!)

Here we are before the show in front of the Fabulous Fox Theatre.

Enjoying popcorn, coke, and gummies while we wait for the show to start.

And, this picture is, well, I am not sure where. It's at the Fox, maybe somewhere outside the bathrooms. PreacherMan took this while us girls were in the "ladies room".

Is it just me, or do those grins look a bit fake?
The boys may or may not admit this but I think that they enjoyed this as much if not more than the girls. They were pretty into it with the chanting and singing and yelling out stuff. I think they really like the atmosphere of it all. And, I have to admit, so do I.
Afterwards, we stopped at The Varsity for a few naked dogs, onion rings, and chili dogs. And guess what we learned? It was shocking to us...there are 6 year old girls who like chili dogs (and orange varsity drinks). We couldn't believe it when our friend (a teeny little girl, at that) requested a chili dog. "A chili dog?" I asked. "You like chili dogs?" "Yep, and those orange drinks, too." she replied. Gotta love a girl who knows what she wants.

It's a girls night out...

Well, its a girls night out
Honey, there aint no doubt
Im gonna dance every dance til the boys go home
Well, its my night to rock
No watchin that ol clock
Oh, aint no doubt, lordy its a girls night out

Last Friday, I had a girls night out which is a rare treat. Some friends from church and I went out to eat and bowling (no dancing, like the song above, though we did show our moves when we got a strike, which by the way was only ONCE for me).

We had lots of fun - talking, eating, talking, bowling - in that order. It's amazing the things you learn on a girl's night out but we won't get into any of that! We had a really fun time despite landing many, many gutter balls and achieving few strikes or even spares. I will say that some of us fared better than others (me not included). Here are a few of the highlights of our night....

A pretty good self - portrait captured by Susan and Kristi....

My utter embarrassment after sending two balls in a row into the Gutter...maybe next time we should consider using the gutter guards...

Shannon's pure joy and delight after a strike...

The girls just chilling, waiting for their turn....
Fun was had by, the only question left is what is on the agenda for next time? (Because I'm telling you, there has to be a next time and it should be sooner as opposed to later) .

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fashion Show

No explanations necessary. Just adorable.

Consignment sale high

My name is Laura Richard and I am a consignment sale junkie. There, I admitted it. I am still "on high" from shopping tonight (Wed.) at a church consignment sale. I started the night off fairly well. I first searched the big items (nothing to be found that we "needed"). I then took off for the shoes, bypassing the holiday dresses because I knew we already had those. First stop, the girls shoes. I found a few promising pair, including a pair of somewhat hideous pink cowboy boots that I knew Cora would adore.

On to the boy shoes which was a bit disappointing, however, I did find one possible future pair for Tate. At this point, I still felt I was doing well maintaining my excitement and choosing wisely. I then began the descent into the little girls size 3T. After the first two racks, I was feeling really good about myself. I was being choosy and really thinking things through. Then, I got to the next couple of racks and my dissolve began to falter. I began finding really cute stuff that I could not resist. All of a sudden, my bag was getting fuller and fuller.

I checked my watch....I was running out of time. I hadn't even looked at boy clothes yet but I convinced myself that the boy stuff isn't usually all that good anyway. I continued to look through other racks of girl stuff (sizes too big and too small for Cora but I thought I should glance anyway). I had to tear myself away from some really cute 4T dresses that wanted me to buy them but I knew Cora could not wear for a while. I reminded myself that I could indeed find good deals again. I only had about 1/2 an hour left to look at boy stuff and go through my pile to decide what I would keep. So, I hurriedly looked at the boy stuff (nothing caught my eye) and went to "cull out" the items that I had in my bag. Well, that didn't go so well because I only talked myself out of one item. One measly item is all that I put back. I tried to tell myself that it was only because I had done such a good job at only picking out the stuff I really, really liked. In actuality, it is that I have very little self control when it comes to buying girl clothes. Very little to none. And, it is a good deal, right? That's my mantra. And I'm sticking to it.

So, I decide to leave - I have enough, a girl has to set some limits. And, what do I do on my way out? I stop to peak at the holiday (mostly Christmas, some Halloween) wear (remember, I skipped it before because I didn't need any holiday wear?) You'll be glad to know, I talked myself out of the cute stuff I found in that section. However, I also stopped by another rack that had a cute blue jean dress that I did not talk myself out of.

Then, I stopped at the halloween costume rack and picked up a TinkerBell outfit...all of this way ON MY WAY OUT! But, I decided to just get them, after all It is a good deal, right? And that's my mantra and I'm sticking to it.

And, how could any respectable Georgia Bulldog fan resist this? I mean, it is a good deal, right? I say, yes, it is, and I am sticking to it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Horsin' around

This past weekend we went horseback riding and apparently, fence climbing. When I say "we", I really mean the kids. And, when I say "horseback riding", I really mean the kids got on the back of a horse and rode around in circles. This was an introduction to horses for the kids. So, like any good horse rider, the boys donned their jeans and boots and were ready for action. (Ben opted for jean shorts, but close enough). To say that they enjoyed themselves would be an understatement. They really loved it! Cora may have loved it the most. Again, my little girl proves that the third child is born fearless. If my memory serves me right, she was the first to want to get on the horse, though Tate was the one who wanted to go ride a horse in the first place. Tate and Ben, upon seeing the horse, did not want to ride. But, after seeing their little sister ride the horse, they warmed back up to the idea. I think that they just didn't want to be outdone by their baby sister and really, who could blame them?

Tate rode by himself while Cora and Ben rode in a buddy seat behind a friend. I stood safely behind the fence, where I belong, watching my children show no fear in riding such a large animal. I am slightly afraid of horses or any animal that is bigger than me. I think that is very reasonable, though, now that I think about it, there are many animals smaller than me that I should be very afraid of. Horses should probably be the least of my worries.


How cute is this kid? I know he's mine, but really,c'mon, he's cute, huh? I was trying to take a picture of Cora sleeping beside Craig while riding the train at DollyWood and Tate thought it was quite funny to poke his head out in front of my view. Lucky for him (and me), it turned out to be a really good shot. I know nothing about taking good pictures or editing them. But, I played around with Picasa which was already on my computer and thought this picture turned out kind of cute with all the background blurred and Tate spotlighted (is that a real word?). I'd love to really learn how to use a camera and get a really good editing program but I'm afraid my intentions of learning how to use them, using them, and actually doing it might get all mixed up and I will have wasted money on yet another good intention.

Back to the cute kid pictured above. Tate is a real joy to be around when he is in a good mood. But, sometimes he is not in a good mood and the joy disappears. Luckily, for us, we love him so much that even when the joy isn't there, we can still remember the kid in this picture, the happy, goofy one who would never talk back to us or roll his eyes at us. I think (and hope) the talking back, the rolling of the eyes, thinking he knows everything and is always right about everything is just a stage he is in that will quickly disappear. And, I'm sure will reappear again and again. But, really, though I could do without the attitude, I wouldn't have it any other way because it's just part of him growing up. And, watching him grow up is a good thing. Sometimes, it is kind of sad because my baby is now so big I can barely pick him up and when I do it is only briefly before my back and arms and legs start screaming at me "what are you thinking??? this kid is half your size???" Seeing him grow and become a big boy is really a lot of fun. His growing interest in all things sports related, his fascination with "bugs" (volkswagon variety, not insect variety), his daring bike/scooter/skateboard tricks, etc. are just a few of the things that point to the fact that he is growing up and becoming more of a "big boy" as opposed to a "little boy".

Tate had a bit of an adventure this week. He fell off of a moving golf cart (my fault, not his) and got a really nasty bump on his head, a few scrapes on his arm and his shoulder was banged up, too. It was not pretty. In fact, it was really scary for us. He's a tough kid and he is ok. We confirmed that with a cat scan that told us he is, in fact, smarter than all of us, and that there was no damage done to his brain or skull. It could have been a lot worse and we are very grateful that it was just a few bumps and scrapes. It was a lesson for us all - not to become lazy about safety, not to take our kids for granted, and most definitely do not go fast on the golf cart - no matter what!
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sleeping like a baby

Oh, to be able to sleep like this again. Some of my favorite times of the day are naptime and bedtime. Kids look so peaceful when they sleep, so quiet, so sweet, almost angelic. It makes you forget about the time you spent during the day scolding them, threatening them, sitting them in time out, prodding them to eat, begging them to pick up their toys, etc. You look at their sweet little faces and wonder if this could possibly be the same child that chunked their shoe at you while driving to Wal-Mart or demanded at the top of their not so little voice that you bring them a sippy NOW or cried uncontrollably when you said no, they could not drink a coke with dinner or have yet another pack of Scooby snacks.

Is it just me or do my kids look really worn out in these pictures? These were taken after grueling days of playing hard, swimming, camping, and going to school. I love how they can sleep just about anywhere, in any position, with any number of stuffed animals piled all around them. Don't you wish you could sleep like that again? I don't know if it is possible to sleep that soundly after having kids or after turning 30. I know it isn't for me.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

I'm not sure why but all of a sudden I had this song on my mind....
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things!

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things!

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes
Silver white winters that melt into spring
These are a few of my favorite things!

When the dog bites, when the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things
and then I don't feel so bad!

(Can anyone name that movie and what scene this song was sung in???)

Before being too impressed with my ability to remember all the lyrics to this song, I must confess that prior to writing this I googled it. Which brings me to this question, what in the world did we do before we had the ability to "google it"? I know we had encyclopedias and such but we certainly could not find the lyrics to any song that we wanted in the encylopedia much less be able to find it the second we wanted it. It's quite amazing if you ask me. I'm not sure how we lived without it. Actually, I think we probably did quite well without it but "googling it" sure is convenient when you need to find an answer to some obscure question that pops into your mind, such as the lyrics to the aforementioned song. Which brings me back to the original thought I had for this post.

I was thinking about a few of my favorite things (favorites at the current time, because it does change depending on the weather or my mood). So, I thought I'd share them. In list format because I am a list person. With lots of details, because I am a detail person. (I'm going to limit this to 10 things, otherwise we might not ever see the end of this post.)

1. my new KJV, personal size Life Application Bible that I just purchased this morning at Heavenly Dove. No excuses for not being able to read and understand the bible because this pretty much explains it for you. I'm excited about this because it's small enough to put in my Vera Bradley bible cover that I got for Christmas a few years ago, it was a really great price, and I'm really, really going to try to actually read it on a regular basis. And, it's pretty, and I have to admit I like pretty things.

2. Hershey's Giant size Chocolate Bar with Almonds - This is pretty specific for very good reason. The giant bar is much, much better than the regular size bar because it is split into 4 rows and each row can be split into 4 small bars. It is also much better because the almonds are chopped up into the bar and every bite has a piece of almond in it. The regular bar has large chunks of almonds primarily just in the middle of the bar. It is sub par, in my opinion, to the giant bar. (by the way, the above picture is only HALF the bar, I won't go into the fat grams, calorie, or sugar content of the whole bar. I'm sure it is astronomical! )

3. Kerusso T-shirts - Recently, I have seen these popping up in random stores -convenience stores, drug stores, Christian bookstores, etc. In case you don't know what I am talking about, Kerusso is a company that sells t-shirts and other stuff that has bible quotes and such on them. They typically look like conventional t-shirts but with a Christian twist. They are super cool! I only have one but plan on purchasing another one or two or....

4. Sweet potatoes with butter and salmon - I just love a good sweet potato (with butter, of course) and grilled salmon. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Plus, its actually really good for you as long as you go easy on the butter.

5. flip flops - They are just so easy - slip'em on and go. And, of course, they come in lots of pretty colors and styles. And, I do like pretty things.

6. my golf cart - It's a lifesaver when I am feeling lazy or have a load to carry. I can take the trash out with it, I can visit my neighbors (who happen to be family members), I can take all the kids to the pool on it along with all of our stuff, I can drive it around to look at rabbits and I can use it as a tool to help Cora go to sleep when she won't take a nap in the afternoon. Need I say more about why it is one of my favorite things?

7. peanut butter bars, peanut butter cupcakes, plain ol' peanut butter - yum, yum, yum. No explanation necessary.

8. yoga pants, sweat shorts, comfy elastic-band/drawstring loungwear - I love comfy stuff, it's just so, well, comfy. And less restricting, than say, shorts with a zipper and buttons. You can eat and sleep and do whatever without feeling restricted and, well, fat. I love comfy clothes. Doesn't everyone?

9. DVR - It is one of the top greatest inventions when it comes to television. I don't completely understand how it truly works but I love it! I love that I can "tape" a show without a tape. I love that I can "rewind" the "live" show when I didn't catch what they were saying and then "catch up" later. I love that you can "pause" it if you need to run to the bathroom or yell at your kids (not that I yell, of course, but when I speak very loudly in a stern like voice...).

10. Honeydew melon - This is a new favorite of mine. Just this week, in fact. Publix has had them on sale and I've bought a few and LOVED them! Cora and I ate at least half of the first one we had just when we were cutting it up. It's yummy and healthy! That's a win/win in my book.

That's it! Just a few of my favorite things. I have many more but I can't think of them all right now and I can always save the rest for another day. I like so much!

I need a little help from anyone out there who might be reading this. I need a way to sign off on each post. Something catchy, something creative, something fun, something interesting, just something, someway for me to end. It could be anything, kind of like a closing in a letter. I just can't quite figure out what I want to do. If you have an idea, post a comment or send me an email. I'd love the suggestions. I may even use one of them or all of them, I may even give a prize to the person who comes up with the one I like the most. Or, I may just say thanks and take the idea and run.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Only in America

I saw this in a church bulletin the other day and thought it was really funny and ironic.

Only in America...

...can a pizza get to your house quicker than an ambulance. drug stores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get medicine when the healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. banks leave the front doors open and the pens chained to the counters. we leave cars worth thousands of dollars parked in the driveway and put our junk in the garage. we call what our doctors do a "Practice." we call a man who invests our money a "broker". we call the time of day with the slowest traffic "Rush Hour"!

Hmmm, how funny is that?


Friends, future husbands, and such

This is my friend Jill (with my middle son) who is the same age as me, born in the same month, at the same hospital. In fact, she was born a mere two days before me on my actual due date. We may have very well been nursery mates way back then. And, who knew, all those many years ago, that now we would be such good friends. The funny thing is we did not meet until we were in our early 20's. How weird is that? We lived our entire lives in neighboring towns. We both went to the same college and were education majors but we never met or had a class together or anything. We met through mutual friends either when we were about to graduate college or maybe we were out of college, I'm not exactly sure. What I am sure about is that we could have been separated at birth, we are that much alike. I would even think that it might be a possibility except the fact that I look just like my family and she looks just like hers.

Her little boy, Lane, is my Cora's future husband. He is about 7 months older than she so it should work out perfectly. We have big plans for the two of them. They will marry and our families will be united forever. They will have children and all of us will go on big family vacations together. Sounds lovely, right? I really wish it were that simple. Now that I have kids, pre-arranged marriage doesn't sound like that bad of an idea. In fact, I really, really like the idea of picking their spouses. I'm not so sure that my kids would like the idea but that is so far, far, far down the road that we won't even think of it right now.

Seriously, wouldn't this picture look cute one day on the table at their wedding reception along with all their other cute baby pictures? I mean, it's destiny, right? I'm probably wrong because they will probably grow up to be more like brother and sister and would never in a million years think of one another in that way. But, I can dream a little, right?

I have also picked out a few options for my boys as well. The selection pool mainly consists of kids from my church. Like this little lady...I figure she could be the wife of either of the boys. She smiles all the time, no kidding, so I know she'll be a wonderful daughter-in-law one day.

Of course, I am only kidding about all of this - well, sort of. I do wish I had a small hand in picking the spouses for my children. After all, I will have to be a part of their family and they will have to be a part of mine. All kidding aside, I think the best thing for me to do is start praying now for my kids (and their future spouses) that one day God would send them the right person at the right time. And, of course, that they would recognize who it is they should be with because that's not always easy. Maybe I should also pray that I won't be a meddling mother-in-law because right about now, I probably sound like I will be.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Empty Nest (sort of)

Last Friday, all of my chicks were in the nest. A really cute nest, if you ask me.

Two short days later, two left the least for 8+ hours every day. A first grader and a Pre-K'er. Where did the time go? I'm kinda sad because I miss them when they are gone. Plus, I have to get up early to help them get ready which isn't always pretty. Cora misses them, too. She looks around the house saying "Where de boys?"

"De Boys" are at school, with their nifty new backpacks and lunchboxes and new T-shirts learning all kinds of good stuff.
At least, I hope it is the good stuff that they are learning because the bad stuff is banned from this nest.