In an attempt to be fair, I wanted to get all of the kids "Favorite things" post up the same month, so I better get my butt, I mean, back side, in gear
A few of Ben's current favorite things...
1. Legos: Hence the theme of his birthday this year. He loves to build with legos. We typically find miscellaneous lego pieces lying around the house, which doesn't make me happy, but, alas, his creativity must not be squelched by my need for tidiness. So, I just pick them up and go on my merry way to put them back where they belong...(in his room, in his toy box, in one of the many organizational bins that I have designated for legos.) He received lots of legos for his birthday.
2. Art supplies/Drawing: He really loves to color and draw, and he is actually really good at it, in my very unbiased opinion. Our fridge is typically covered in his works of art. He loves crayons, markers, and the very coveted glitter glue pens. All of which he received at, you guessed it, his birthday.
3. Remote control anything, but in particular at-the-moment, helicopter: He likes all things remote control including the t.v. remote control. In fact, he often hides it when he leaves the room so no one else can get it while he is gone. His favorite hiding spot - beneath the pillows. A source of real contention in my home, but I digress. He is really into remote control vehicles, especially helicopters. He is really good at controlling it, which isn't as easy as one might think. Most of his landings are pretty flawless right now. He just got his own remote controlled helicopter for his birthday. I'm noticing a trend here...
4. Exploring: Ben is really interested in exploration right now. He just bought a backpack and "exploring" gear recently with his Wal-mart gift cards that he received for (everybody say it with me now) his birthday. In addition to the backpack, he bought a lantern, binoculars, and something else that for the life of me I can not remember right now. We added a few other items to his backpack at bandaids, magnifying glass, ziploc bags, and we've considered putting his camera in there as well. He likes to collect "stuff" from outside and go on "nature walks" which is why he wanted this exploration pack.
5. Dragons: For a few months now, he has really liked dragons. I think it may have started when How to Train your Dragon came out in theaters. We did not go to see it but he loved all the stuff he saw to go along with the movie like the t-shirts, coloring books, etc. He has a few of the shirts, folders, etc. that have the dragons from the movie on them. Recently, he purchased the DVD (with birthday gift cards!) and we have watched the movie at least 227 times in the past week or so. I had my doubts, but the movie is really good! Dragons and vikings are not usually my thing but I really enjoyed it - all 227 times! I thought the story line, animation, and ending were all really good but that's just my opinion!
6. Icecream: He could live off of it! He definitely got the icecream gene from his daddy.
7. Food: Lately, it seems we can not feed this child enough! He eats like no other child I have ever seen! For lunch, I send him deli meat (no bread, he is not a sandwich kind of guy) and 3-4 side items such as chips/crackers, raw veggies, pudding, fruit cup, sweet items, etc. He is suppose to save one thing for snack. Most days, he eats EVERYTHING. Some days, he comes home telling me to pack more in his lunchbox. People, I am telling you, I pack plenty. My serving sizes are not small by any means. The kid can eat but you would never know it to look at him. The other night for supper we had burritos. He ate THREE! Plus, chips and salsa. Plus, something else but I can't remember exactly what it was. And, he wanted MORE. Routinely, he will eat supper before going to the ballpark and then will eat AGAIN at the park. He loves junkfood at the park but also wants the hotdog. Even after we have already eaten. From what I have been told about teenage boys, we are in for some TROUBLE when he reaches the teen years! We may not be able to keep up with his appetite!
8. Computer games: He loves,loves,loves to play computer games. It's the first thing he wants to do when he gets home from school and usually the last thing he does before going to bed.
9. Kissing Ada: He seriously loves the baby. He is always kissing or touching her which is wonderfully sweet and precious but can be aggravating to say the least while trying to feed her, get her to sleep, or keep her asleep. But, I am so blessed that he loves her so much - in fact, all the kids really adore her!
10. Airplanes: He loves, loves, loves paper airplanes! And, wooden airplanes! And, plastic airplanes! Anything that he can fly in/outside. Every Sunday after church, he gets a fellow churchgoer to make him an airplane. As church ends, he always says" I gotta go see Drew." Last Sunday, Drew gave him one of those wooden airplanes that you take the pieces apart and build, and he loved it! (I actually found the one pictured below when I was cleaning out one of our cabinets this week. Great find in Ben's eyes!)
Those are just a few that I could think of off the top of my head! I love my Ben!